
On A Mission: Plan Your Goals And Journal Your Vision

On a Mission is an invitation to come along beside me as I dream ridiculously big and imagine what is possible in seemingly impossible tasks. In hindsight, I wish I had journalized every race, the preparation, and the feelings of accomplishment crossing the finish line..

– Dionne Degourville


New Book Release
Dionne Degourville Dionne Degourville

New Book Release

On a Mission is an invitation to come along beside me as I dream ridiculously big and imagine what is possible in seemingly impossible tasks. In hindsight, I wish I had journalized every race, the preparation, and the feelings of accomplishment crossing the finish line. Visioning and journaling have become a part of who I am. They are skills I have learned to use as I conspire to attain goals and live a life that is rewarding, refreshing, and reminiscent. Many of my goal attainments were not instant, but they were invigorating. In On a Mission you’ll find lessons learned and inspiration in the stories I share about my journey of health from inactivity and poor nutrition, to complete seven Ironman races to date. My deepest hope for you is that you will challenge yourself to envision your best life yet and then write the vision to make it clear. This is what I know for sure… You were created to be extra-ordinary! Whether you set a health goal, want to participate in a race, work towards a financial outcome or pen something more personal, journaling is an intuitive way of envisioning and self-accountability.

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Open Water Swimming Lessons
Dionne Degourville Dionne Degourville

Open Water Swimming Lessons

Over the last several weeks coaches from Merrick Bicycles Tri Team dedicated their time, support, knowledge and love to teach open water swim lessons to beginners. The entire coaching staff could not be more proud of these ladies who conquered their fears “DIDN'T GIVE UP” and graduated to become swimmers.

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